After awesome home cooked pizzas by Lance, getting dressed time started. We let daddy have that chore since mommy did it the night before. I think Halloween is more fun for the parents these first couple of years. Sage wasn't too happy about the monkey outfit, although she was so darn cute in it. Daddy went mainly as himself, the grown up soccer player.
We took so many pictures of our beautiful,cute monkey baby that it was hard to pick which one to put on line. I couldn't help resist this one! Especially since the hat only was on her head for a short time.

Here's the crew ready to go. Sage was so tired by this time, that she just hung out in her new cozy coupe car, sucked her thumb and let mommy and daddy push her around. Suffice to say, Sage didn't get much candy collected for us. We had so much fun though and can't wait until next year!