This was a long winter for John and Darcy, more so Darcy. As Bob Dylan once said, "Time passes slowly up here in the mountains..." So we headed off for the midwest to add some variety and spice to our lives. Thanks to G Pa C, we showed up in Plain City, Ohio to surprise G Ma C on her 60th birthday. Boy was she surprised to answer the door in her robe and glasses and see her beautiful bundle of grandchild joy ready to give her a big hug!

The day was beautiful so we headed to the Columbus Zoo for Sage's first zoo trip. She wasn't too interested in the majority of the animals, but loved the aquarium part. She was amazed when looking at the tank with the manatees and sting rays. We can't wait to take her to the Denver Aquarium next month.

At the end of the day, she was rewarded with her first ice cream cone-butternut mint and deep chocolate.

After the end of the ski resort, Darcy decided to take Sage to the Brzak grandparents for a short visit. Of course, they were excited to see happy go lucky Sage too. We were anticipating 80 degree weather but instead got hurricane force rains for 2 days. But none the less, G Ma B threw her typical BBQ for Sage so lots of friends and family visited.

Sage loved having fun in Lansing. We couldn't resist the "western" pic with the hat and rifle. G Pa B was so proud.

One of Sage's favorite things to do is hang with her namesake, Great Grandma Dorothy Flak. Boy they both were so pretty the day the rain stopped and the sun shone!

The Brzak clan introduced Sage to so many new foods that she needed a bath almost daily. And let me tell you-that was the favorite part of her trip, Grandma and Grandpa playing with her in the tub! We can't wait to see all of you this summer out in Colorado. We all love our families so much.