Monday, November 2, 2009

Sage's 2nd Halloween

We headed down to Broomfield for Sage's second Halloween so we could actually enjoy it this year. We were excited to have sidewalk's to walk on, a lot of houses right by each other and some good sunny weather! Plus we wanted to enjoy the festivities with other couples with kids. Sage had a great time playing with the Fitzsimmons and Andersons all afternoon! Playing outside in the snow melt run off puddles was her favorite activity. She was soaking wet even before dinner. Even Lilly took to the fun.

After awesome home cooked pizzas by Lance, getting dressed time started. We let daddy have that chore since mommy did it the night before. I think Halloween is more fun for the parents these first couple of years. Sage wasn't too happy about the monkey outfit, although she was so darn cute in it. Daddy went mainly as himself, the grown up soccer player.

We took so many pictures of our beautiful,cute monkey baby that it was hard to pick which one to put on line. I couldn't help resist this one! Especially since the hat only was on her head for a short time.

Here's the crew ready to go. Sage was so tired by this time, that she just hung out in her new cozy coupe car, sucked her thumb and let mommy and daddy push her around. Suffice to say, Sage didn't get much candy collected for us. We had so much fun though and can't wait until next year!

Family Hunting Trip

The Brzak men finally came out for their first Colorado elk hunt October 2009. Sage was so excited to see them all. She wasn't even scared of their camoflage! She greeted them every morning before they left and wished them good luck.
It was cold and snowy out for a lot of the trip, so the hunters returned to our Tabernash home every night to get some home cooked food and hang with Sage and the dogs. Sage really appreciated that. She loves having company.
Sage got to show granddaddy how much she loves to eat-I think she got the Flak gene in her! She even came home from Kindercare with crazy hair just to just impress the family. She learned so many new things this week, like eating on the floor instead of the table. She loves the camera too as she always stares right at it during picture time.
Didn't think a blog entry about a hunting trip would be complete without a picture of the hunters out in the elements! Then to end this post, a great picture of our toddler strutting herself. This is the last picture we have of her with a bottle. They got retired to storage after this trip! Love to all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sage strutting herself

Fun summer times with Sage

Summer has been fun but very different for the Connelly's now that we have a kid in the picture. No more meeting at 5 am at the Morrison park-n-ride to go climb a fourteener or heading off into the pristine wildnerness areas for a 3 night backpack trip. Now it's city hanging, tourist attraction doing and car camping! None the less, our little Sage is definitely an outdoors Colorado chick!

We headed to Glenwood springs for some easy biking with the Brzak grandparents. Sage loved chilling in her Burley while mommy pulled her along the Colorado river. Here's proud Grandpa over the river. We only got rained on once, and Sage never even noticed the difference.

We took Sage camping over July 4th with the Anderson's. Lake Granby was the destination(close to home in case anything happened). Suffice to say, camping in the rain with a child learning to crawl and sleeping in a 3 person tent with 2 adults, 1 child, and 2 wet dogs wasn't the most pleasant experience, but we made the most of it. (Thank heavens for people who camp with trailors!)

By making the most of it, I mean we still did our outdoor adventure it was just in a blow up Kayak that I bought at a garage sale for $25.00 Of course we oared in circles since the oars that came with it weren't the best. We lasted for about 30min and without any fighting!

Even hiking was manageable with Sage. She likes to backpack with us but we are limited to 2 hr hikes. So Drew, Emmy and Kei joined up for a hike up Sol Vista. We half cheated by taking the chairlift up. We didn't hike as much as I would like to, but that was Sage's parents' fault, not hers. The summer seemed to fly by and with me starting work again in broomfield, we just didn't seem to have time.

Of course, daddy still golfed a little, and Sage was invited for his first time out. She loved hanging out with mom and G Ma B in the golf cart. We had beautiful weather so Sage got to do what she loves best-walk and talk in the gorgeous outdoors.
All in All, summer was fun, interesting and new presented a new challenge/chapter in the Connelly's lives.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sage's first crawl

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Midwest spring 09 trips

This was a long winter for John and Darcy, more so Darcy.  As Bob Dylan once said, "Time passes slowly up here in the mountains..."  So we headed off for the midwest to add some variety and spice to our lives.  Thanks to G Pa C, we showed up in Plain City, Ohio to surprise G Ma C on her 60th birthday.  Boy was she surprised to answer the door in her robe and glasses and see her beautiful bundle of grandchild joy ready to give her a big hug! 
The day was beautiful so we headed to the Columbus Zoo for Sage's first zoo trip.  She wasn't too interested in the majority of the animals, but loved the aquarium part.  She was amazed when looking at the tank with the manatees and sting rays.  We can't wait to take her to the Denver Aquarium next month. 
At the end of the day, she was rewarded with her first ice cream cone-butternut mint and deep chocolate.
After the end of the ski resort, Darcy decided to take Sage to the Brzak grandparents for a short visit.  Of course, they were excited to see happy go lucky Sage too.  We were anticipating 80 degree weather but instead got hurricane force rains for 2 days.  But none the less, G Ma B threw her typical BBQ for Sage so lots of friends and family visited.
Sage loved having fun in Lansing.  We couldn't resist the "western" pic with the hat and rifle.  G Pa B was so proud.
 One of Sage's favorite things to do is hang with her namesake, Great Grandma Dorothy Flak.  Boy they both were so pretty the day the rain stopped and the sun shone!
The Brzak clan introduced Sage to so many new foods that she needed a bath almost daily.  And let me tell you-that was the favorite part of her trip, Grandma and Grandpa playing with her in the tub!  We can't wait to see all of you this summer out in Colorado.  We all love our families so much.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sage's first camping trip to Moab Utah

The Connelly's were getting sick of snow so we headed off to Moab Utah 3/20/09 for some fun in the sun!  We were supposed to meet the Anderson's by 5 am but ended up being 15 minutes late.  So we met them along with the Fitzsimmons in Glenwood Springs for a Village Inn breakfast.  Then off to Moab.  Sage did well on her first long road trip.  We had to stop just outside of Moab to feed her and let her relax her legs.  

We arrived to our campsite at the Sand Flats recreation area around 1 pm.  Setting up camp was fun with 8 adults and 10 kids running around.  Sage loved sitting on her blanket in playing in the sand.  I think she's going to love the beach-too bad were millions of miles away from one.  

The weekend was filled with small walks, some moutain biking, hanging by the fire and a trip to Arches National Park.  It was a great get a way for us all.  Check out the photo album with more pictures.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sage's first swim

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Meeting Great Grandma