Grandma and Grandpa Brzak finally arrived on 9/11/08. Sage was waiting anxiously and was given to Grandma Brzak right away. This is the first picture of them together. I don't think Grandma Brzak (nicknamed G Ma B) ever put her down during the whole visit!

They drove all the way from Michigan bringing Sage her toys from the baby shower. Mommy and Daddy were very happy to finally have some things to do with her when she's bored or fussy. Of course, G Ma B and G Pa B loved playing with her! Sage took to staring at herself in the mirror a lot, but why not when you're so GORGEOUS!
Grandma dressed Sage, bathed her, changed her diaper, played with her and carried her almost 100 % of the time.
The fall weather was great, so we took Sage up to Grand Lake for the first time. G Ma B loved pushing Sage in the stroller especially when she slept the whole time!
Afterwards, we went elk/moose hunting in Rocky Mountain National Park. We saw lots of elk, but no moose. Sorry G Ma B. G Pa B was of course very happy!
Grandma, Grandpa, Darcy and Sage took a 2 day trip through the park and stayed in Estes Park. We ran into a lot of retirees vacationing and they all commented on Sage being so young and being out in the elements. She even got to experience her first snow on the top of trail ridge road. We did a 4 mile hike together with Sage lasting until about 2 miles in before she needed a feeding. Mom(Darcy) also survived which was the important part. I even think Linda could have ran circles around me!
The trip was short-only 10 days. It was sad to see them leave, but Sage enjoyed her time with the Brzak's. Luckily, she will get to see them again in November.